Gift Bag Template - Free Printable

Throwing a party? Learn how to make your own diy mini gift bags with this free printable template. They'll give your party favours an extra special touch and only take minutes to make.

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Mini Gift Bag Template.

No matter what the occasion a cute gift or party bag never gets old. I made these mini gift bags using the gorgeous American Crafts scrapbook paper that is sadly no longer available but they can be customised to go with any theme as long as you can find the scrapbook paper!

And don't worry, these lovely little bags are really easy to make. All you need is the free gift bag template below, a sheet of scrapbook paper, scissors and some double-sided sticky tape.

Let's get started:

MINI PRINTABLE GIFT BAGS - WITH FREE TEMPLATE #freeprintable #diygiftbag #giftbag #christmascrafts #party #papercrafts #gatheringbeauty


MINI PRINTABLE GIFT BAGS - WITH FREE TEMPLATE #freeprintable #diygiftbag #giftbag #christmascrafts #party #papercrafts #gatheringbeauty

How to Make a Paper Gift Bag.

1. Print out the mini gift bag template (scroll down for template) and print it onto the back of your scrapbook paper or card stock.

2. Cut out the template.

MINI PRINTABLE GIFT BAGS - WITH FREE TEMPLATE #freeprintable #diygiftbag #giftbag #christmascrafts #party #papercrafts #gatheringbeauty

3. Score along all the lines using a bone folder and a ruler. If you don't have a bone folder an old ball point pen is a great alternative.

MINI PRINTABLE GIFT BAGS - WITH FREE TEMPLATE #freeprintable #diygiftbag #giftbag #christmascrafts #party #papercrafts #gatheringbeauty

4. Fold along all the score lines.

MINI PRINTABLE GIFT BAGS - WITH FREE TEMPLATE #freeprintable #diygiftbag #giftbag #christmascrafts #party #papercrafts #gatheringbeauty

5. Glue the tabs together.

7. Fill the bag with your gift.

6. To close the bag pinch the top together and stick down using some washi tape or stickers.

MINI PRINTABLE GIFT BAGS - WITH FREE TEMPLATE #freeprintable #diygiftbag #giftbag #christmascrafts #party #papercrafts #gatheringbeauty

Sign up below to get the FREE mini gift bag template sent straight to your inbox!

Want more gift box templates? Get your hands on the Gift Box Template Bundle or check out some of my favourites below:

No time to make these DIY Gift Bags now? Save the image below to Pinterest and come back to it later!

Free printable mini gift bag.


Hi, I'm Emma.

I'm a crafter, blogger and paper enthusiast living in the North West of England.

Gathering Beauty is the place where I share craft tutorials and diy inspiration. I started this blog back in 2013 as a way of sharing all the things I love and make. I share paper crafts, clay crafts, origami, printables and desktop wallpapers as well as the odd crochet and weaving project. I hope you find something here that inspires you.